11/25/22 Nobody will hand it to you. YOU have to go get it. Nobody will hand it to you. YOU have to go get it. www.CyrilDerreumaux.com Previous Step out of your comfort zone. Embrace discomfort. Next Be a dreamer-doer. Stop thinking, start doing. You Might Also Like You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with. Curiosity & Spontaneity. Be a dreamer-doer. Stop thinking, start doing. What to do if it rains? Visualization & consistency.
11/25/22 Nobody will hand it to you. YOU have to go get it. Nobody will hand it to you. YOU have to go get it. www.CyrilDerreumaux.com Previous Step out of your comfort zone. Embrace discomfort. Next Be a dreamer-doer. Stop thinking, start doing. You Might Also Like You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with. Curiosity & Spontaneity. Be a dreamer-doer. Stop thinking, start doing. What to do if it rains? Visualization & consistency.