Paddling “round-and-round in the Bay”
Sponsored by NUYWA. and Travelmap
Vessel: Ocean Kayak Valentine / Where: Anywhere I want in the Bay
Session 1: 8 to 10, February, 2021 / Session 2: 6 to 9, April, 2021
Part of getting ready for my ocean crossing in a solo kayak is to gain practical experience in the Ocean Kayak. Trying to face, beforehand, gradually, all the conditions and situations I might have to face in the 70 days of crossing.
Best way to do this is to spend time on the boat. This is why I decided to spend some days going round-and-round in the bay. No particular target in terms of mileage or destination. Just spend time in the boat. Work out the various systems, like cooking, sea anchor, communications, pooping, sleeping, clothes, cabin organization, cockpit skirts, paddle storage, line arrangement, battery charging, AIS tracking, plotter navigation, VHF chatting…..
Let the weather and the tides guide me where to go and where to spend the night.