Cyril as a Speaker
Cyril Derreumaux has been presenting his adventures and life’s philosophy for years. Captivating audiences with exciting, inspiring, and insightful keynotes. With close client collaboration he can customize his expertise to align with client goals and objectives to create an engaging audience experience.
Cyril demonstrates the power of passion and energizes his audiences with messages delivered with authenticity and true emotions. He is relatable, down to earth, and spontaneous. Cyril’s infectious enthusiasm and positive energy for life leaves his audiences with a head full of dreams and ambitious thoughts for months.
Cyril can tailor and customize the presentation to the specific needs of the client, using subjects such as:
Following your dreams, ambitions, and visions
Using endurance and resilience to reach your goals
Developing and fostering your mental strength and adaptation powers
Being aware and developing your emotional levels and strengths
Individual drive but also teamwork
Are you Ready?
Is you are ready to motivate and inspire your team or group reach out today to schedule a call with Cyril.
Email us or fill out the form and we will get right back to you
707- 318-6135
Cyril, We wanted to thank you again for joining us last week. Your session was absolutely brilliant - it was interesting and engaging and left everyone inspired!
Google EMEA team - Nov 7th, 2024, Paris, France
“I was moved by your presentation last night. You spoke so eloquently about your adventure. You spoke from your heart, and it was so genuine and authentic that it captivated my attention till the end”
- Audience member Dec 2022
“Our experience was beyond inspirational. What I got out of our time with Cyril is that possibilities are endless. My results now after planning and relying on skills learned are noticeable. You would think Cyril was alone out there, but committed friends were with him each day. Do we ask for help enough?
Do we provide help when requested? It is tempting to get into the nuts and bolts of crossing an ocean in a kayak but shed that aspect to the side and focus on the goal at hand. Cyril's message is powerful!”
Chris A., president of the Houston Association of Sea Kayakers
“I attended your live presentation and when I left from there I was telling anyone who was willing to listen about your adventure.
You spoke on the entire process, from drawings on a piece of paper; getting the retired builder to agree to make your kayak; building a wooden kayak replica and sleeping in it; putting your support team together; the physical training and evaluations; flying to India to speak with a Guru and why; I could go on. I was so entranced by your presentation, I believe I could speak on your behalf if you couldn’t attend a commitment to speak.
Hearing how each aspect of your challenge seemed to fall into place, validating that if one took that first step to acquire their dream, the universe would take over to make it possible.
I left the building feeling that there was nothing I couldn’t accomplish. That the only thing holding me back was my own doubts and fears. I need to thank you Cyril, because of you, my spirit has been uplifted and my life has been enhanced with renewed confidence”
Fraternally, Michael P.
“Cyril’s adventure is much more than just about a paddling trip, as groundbreaking as it was. Cyril has tapped into a higher plane in life in so many ways.”
- Audience member Dec 2022
Enjoyed CD’s inspirational presentation on his solo summer California-Hawaii expedition. It’s an astonishing feat of human endurance and discipline, mildly put, and with his prowess in storytelling, his talk hit all the key points from prep to the process to post.
Gennifer G. - Jan 27th, 2023 - San Diego, CA
“It was the best "heroics in nature" presentation I ever heard/saw. Cyril had great slides and just the right amount of technical and physio info, but what I particularly enjoyed was the specificity with which he described how he managed his attitude and emotions. He had backups to the
backups for all critical systems, including his brain. Humorous, authentically modest, articulate, a very good communicator. Recommended if you get another chance to hear him”.
Susan S. - Dec 2nd, 2022 - Santa Rosa, California
“To see anyone survive a crossing like that demands respect. But, to see anyone THRIVE in real time doing it is a whole other level reached. Super impressed with the dreaming, planning and execution of this superhuman effort. So glad to have witnessed it, and to be able to say "yeah, I know that guy". Somehow it makes me a little greater. Rock on Cyril”
Cliff Roach - NY
Although I kept up with Cyril’s kayak to Hawaii expedition posts on Social Media, I got to see some great new photos and learned many new details. His presentation was very entertaining and informative, as well as inspiring. I am pretty sure everyone walked away with determination to accomplish some goal in their life. His accomplishment is truly incredible and although most people's challenges pale in comparison, we can all take it to the next level after hearing him talk. His dogged determination took him past a failed attempt and through many setbacks and problems along the way. I have already told myself that I can do this or that, because it is nothing compared to Cyril's expedition. I will continue to tell myself that for the rest of my life.
Michal S., DDS, PhD - Dec. 10th, 2022, Sausalito
“Cyril shows me what it means to love life. He doesn't do things because they're easy but because they're hard. He's a pathfinder to happiness, on a mission to share his discoveries with the world. He may do extraordinary things but he's an ordinary guy, and that fact helps me appreciate what's extraordinary in my own life.”
- Adrien S. Dec 2022
“Cyril is an effective speaker and motivator. He is passionate. His enthusiasm is boundless. He shows what he did and how and why. There was only one person in the kayak that made the crossing, but Cyril is quite clear it was a team effort all the way. He also, magically, mystically, makes us aware of the larger questions in life that we all have, no matter what our interests or passions are. We are all crossing an ocean, so to speak. The insights Cyril gives us are timeless”
Robin H. - Zoom presentation
“The idea of overcoming the challenges of surviving difficult situations has always been of great fascination for me; there is always that chance that we can learn something new. Thus I followed Cyril's California to Hawaii journey with great interest.
I was not disappointed; Cyril has a warmth in his communication that instantly communicates to anyone from any walk of life. He is natural without pretense and so he crosses not only an ocean but also all cultural differences, all strata of society, with a message to humanity of not only overcoming challenges but being able to appreciate the beauty and enjoyment that is life's journey. I have never met Cyril but I feel I know him and would trust him with my life!”
Nigel G., Hawkes Bay, New Zealand