Authentic & Relatable, Enthusiastic & Passionate, Inspirational & Motivational


General topic:

Completely alone in an unforgiving and relentless environment: what does it take to think, act and deliver like an athlete, to elevate your game, over and over again, until you reach your goals.

An incredible story of human potential, rising to the challenge and overcoming all odds: "Cyril is not just in it to win it. He is in it to expand limits, to rise to the occasion, to redefine the possible, and to share what he has learned".



"91 days Alone on the Pacific Ocean, 71 days Alone on the Atlantic Ocean: Kayaking solo, unsupported and non-stop across an ocean takes a distinctive character, one with grit, determination, and resilience. In his inspirational talks, Cyril relates to his audience his incredible solo journeys crossing both oceans in a solo kayak and all that this expedition taught him. With authenticity and true emotions, Cyril demonstrates the power of passion and inner-fire and delivers a message on man’s universal ability to find grit and resilience. Down to earth and spontaneous, Cyril’s infectious enthusiasm and positive energy will leave the audience full of new ambitions, inspired and refreshed with ideas of endless possibilities."

Cyril as a Speaker

A sought after keynote and motivational speaker, Cyril draws on his unique experience of adventure, positive mindset and natural love of life to craft unique talks that impact and challenge his audience.

Cyril is not just in it to win it. He is in it to expand limits, to rise to the occasion, to redefine possible, and to share what he has learned.

Some of his topics include:

  • The ALL-IN mindset - “The only way to get there is forward”

  • It’s ALL in the MIND - Reframe: It’s all a question of perspective

  • AIMING HIGH, DREAMING BIG - "Impossible is nothing if you allow yourself to dream big"

  • TEAM BUILDING - “Teamwork is the secret that makes common people achieve uncommon results”

  • LEANING INTO CHANGE - “Morphing Forever to win”

  • MENTAL FORTITUDE - “It all starts and ends in the mind”

  • OBSTACLES & FAILURES - “The obstacle is the way”

The most important is not my adventure itself, but the learnings I received from it, and what I can in return teach and transmit to others as a mentor and an example: going further and looking for other things in life that make you move inside, things that makes you feel alive”
— Cyril Derreumaux