Cyril Derreumaux

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Now looking at May 2021

This is with a heavy heart that I have to let everyone know that my expedition to kayak solo and unsupported from California to Hawaii has to be postponed to May 2021.

My boat builder, Robin Feloy in Devon, England, just told me that the current lock down due to the covid-19 is preventing him and his team from accessing the kayak which is in the boatyard.

This means that I had to cancel the container delivery to the boat yard (to load the kayak) that was set for next Tuesday March 31st, and consequently the reservation in the container ship the following week. Only new information from the UK government letting people go back to work will change this.

If things are similar in UK as other countries, this means that my kayak won’t be shipped before 6-8 weeks at least. This all means that “Ocean Kayak Valentine” would arrive too late for me to start the crossing this year (leaving after June would mean having risks of encountering hurricanes later in the crossing, so that’s not advisable for safety reasons).

Obviously I am very disappointed, as I had worked so hard and with passion for the past year to get myself and the kayak ready in time. The boat was ready and looking amazing. I was ready mentally, physically, emotionally. Same readiness for the clothing solutions, gear, electronics, solar panels, batteries, water makers, para-anchors, GPS and plotters, AIS and RTEs, EPIRB and PLBs, sat phones and communication solutions, tracking devices, first aid, tools, support team, food, hydration, PFD and tethers, etc….

This is just how it is my friends. Nothing to do about it rather than accept the situation and start looking forward to May 2021, with the same energy and focus.

Since I will receive my kayak sometime later in the fall, I will now have the time to do several sea trials, local “training runs” along the California coast (for instance SF to the Farallons and back, or from SF to Monterey…). I will have time to sleep in it, finalize my seating options, trial the best paddles and eating options, secure funding for a great documentary… etc. I’m gonna have so much fun!

Basically, this extra time will allow me to fully master my kayak, in all possible configurations of weather. Believe me, I will be 100% ready for may 2021, and I WILL KAYAK TO HAWAII!

I want to thank everyone, you reading this message, and my sponsors, for the support until now, and invite you to keep following me and cheering along as I get even more prepared for May 2021.

Like one friend told me once: “The ocean will always be there for you when the time is right”.

Aloha to all, and may you and loved ones stay safe,

Cyril Derreumaux